Reality is something that is created by us, at every moment of time. Therefore, we are able to make it become exactly the way we want it to feel. The NFT ART collection allows you to immerse yourself in the right emotional state and start building the reality that will become your spiritual companion and help you achieve what you have always dreamed of.
If the Universe consists of three concentric spheres: the natural world, the human world and the divine world, then a man is also represented by three elements - his body, soul and spirit. Everything that happens in the world is constantly changing. This means that a person must also change and broaden his mind in order not to be trapped in the collection of the illusions he has chosen. All of the above aspects are actually dangerous, despite the fact that they create the feeling of stability and security, because they enslave the mind and distance it from the connection with reality, which is so difficult for a person to deal with.
There are two main interpretations of reality: realism, which claims that reality exists objectively, and phenomenalism, whose followers believe that reality is discovered by a person only in the process of cognition. The NFT pictures in this collection combine both approaches in themselves, because each time it is contemplated, new facets of what is called reality are revealed.
Particular attention should be paid to the use of several primary colors: white, black, blue, red, purple and pink.
The combination of these colors is not accidental. Thus, a pronounced creative approach is manifested in an effort to unite the opposites. For example, white color, on the one hand, symbolizes innocence, purity, divine and daylight. On the other hand, white color absorbs the other colors (just remember how a ray of light is refracted in a prism) and means detachment, emptiness and a state of peace and tranquility. This is its special strength, which has much in common with the strength of black.
The most unusual thing in the The images of a young woman's face, as if viewed through a kaleidoscope, create a complex multifaceted effect as if they are superimposed on each other. This is a manifesto of the author's approach to an attempt to understand the versatility of life. It is when you seem to be watching something familiar but in a different way, because reality is constantly changing and, as it were, eludes us. This is something that cannot be grasped and held, but you can try to fix it at a certain point in time between the past, present and future.